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DIYG | Registering a New Domain

GoWeb1 DIY guide on domain names

Welcome to the GoWeb1 DIY guide on domain names. We hope this page will be a helpful resource to you as you work to establish your website.

What is a Domain Name?

A domain name is the address by which people will find you online. Our domain name at GoWeb1 is “” for example.

Choosing Your Domain Name

Ideally, your domain name would feature your organization’s name. Unfortunately, many people have companies or groups with similar names. So it’s possible that the name you desire has already been chosen. Here’s how you find out: Click here and enter in your desired domain name. If that domain name is available, you can purchase it directly. If it is unavailable, our site will offer similar, alternative options that are available to buy.

Start the Domain Process

What Do the Endings Mean?

There are several different domain suffixes you can choose from that can help visitors identify the purpose of your site. Here are the most common endings you will see online, along with what they mean:

  • .COM - The “COM” stands for “commercial.” This is the most commonly recognized suffix and most familiar to consumers. (
  • .NET - The “NET” stands for “networks.” ( This is now a popular alternative for .com.
  • .ORG - The “ORG” stands for “organizations.” This is usually for non-profit organizations. (
  • .EDU - The “EDU” stands for “education.” This is typically chosen by high schools and colleges. (
  • .GOV - The “GOV” stands for “government.” This is generally reserved for government agencies. (
  • .MIL - The “MIL” stands for “military.” This is for military sites. (
  • .BIZ - The “BIZ” stands for “business.” This is not super common, however it can be used as an alternative when you want a domain name but the .com or .net suffix options are taken.

Domain Transferring

Say you already have a domain name you like, but you are tired of high monthly hosting fees. If you are searching for a more affordable solution with 24/7 customer support, please click here.

Start Your Domain Transfer


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